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Key Factors to Discover Wholeness and Longevity

Your body type affect your physical constitution, psychology and way of thinking.

Do you know your body type?

In Ayurveda (sister science of yoga), there are three distinct Doshas, also known as “The Inherent Intelligence of the Body”, they are our natural constitution or individual “make-up“. The three Doshas are: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Ayurveda science teach us that everything is made up of 5 elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth). The combination of elements create our constitution becomes our Doshas.

This holistic approach in wellness support the implementation of natural healing with key factors to balance life force. Good nutrition and daily routine (Dinacharya) or rituals are key factors to wholeness and longevity.

What is your Dosha?


Vata spends energy. Pitta manages it. Kapha stores it.

Your body type affect your physical constitution, psychology and way of thinking. Each body type tends to get imbalanced in unique ways. Once you know your Dosha, start making small changes that will enhance your lifestyle and quality of life.

Ayurveda Test

Grab a pen and piece of paper, choose the answers that most accurately fit your body for most of your life. This test will take approximately 5 minutes.


a.) Thin, long frame; tends to be taller than average

b.) Medium build and average height

c.) Big bones and large frame, tends to be shorter


a.) Underweight, or at the lowest of your weight range, and thin

b.) Average weight and maintains weight at a steady level, not losing or gaining weight easily

c.) Heavier body weight and tends to gain weight easily


a.) Dry, thin skin

b.) Red tone to complexion, sensitive skin or tends towards acne. Also, may have freckles

c.) Thick, smooth, soft skin


a.) Small beady eyes

b.) Intense deep penetrating eyes

c.) Large round eyes


a.) Dry, thin hair that breaks easily

b.) Fine, soft hair

c.) Thick, coarse lustrous hair


a.) Long and narrow

b.) Angular with sharp jawline

c.) Round


a.) Moves quickly, walks fast, always in motion

b.) Direct and deliberate in motion

c.) Moves slowly, prefers to be sedentary


a.) Speaks quickly and talks a lot

b.) Speaks clearly and to the point

c.) Prefers to listen rather than speak


a.) Soft pitched, hoarse voice that may crack

b.) Medium pitched voice

c.) Deep melodious voice


a.) Requires less sleep, 4-6 hours a day and has difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep

b.) Functions well on 6-8 hours a day and goes easily in and out of sleep.

c.) Sleeps 8 or more hours and sleeps very deeply, usually not waking throughout the night


a.) Tends often to be anxious or nervous

b.) Aggressive, impatient and passionate

c.) Calm and easygoing


a.) Very difficult to make decision and trust decisions

b.) Decisions are made very methodically and with good reason

c.) Easily makes decisions, more intuitively


a.) Variable. Sometimes you eat very little and other times you eat a lot

b.) Steady appetite with regular meals

c.) Not often hungry and can skip meals

Sensitivity to Weather:

a.) You dislike and sometimes cannot tolerate cold weather

b.) You prefer cooler weather and cannot tolerate the heat

c.) You can tolerate any weather but dislike the cold damp

Relationship to money:

a.) Impulsive and spend frivolously

b.) Enjoys spending on luxury items but is aware of budget

c.) Doesn’t like to spend money, saves more than average

Response to stress:

a.) You get anxious when stressed

b.) You get irritable and angry

c.) You withdraw and like to deal with emotions privately


a.) Variable

b.) Very strong appetite

c.) Low appetite

Bowel Movements:

a.) Tends toward constipation

b.) Easily eliminates 2-3 times a day

c.) 1 large bowel movement same time daily Results:

Mostly A answers – Vata Dosha

Mostly B answers – Pitta Dosha

Mostly C answers– Kapha Dosha

Signs of Vata imbalance:

  • Constipation

  • Dehydration

  • Anxiousness

  • Craving warmth

  • Frequent viral infections

  • Weight loss

  • Insomnia

Vata Balancing:

  • Vata especially need warming and hearty foods during fall and winter. Nourishing soups, lentils and rice, and limit too many raw foods.

  • Lightly steamed root vegetables

  • Ripe sweet fruits

  • Warm grains

  • Spices: cumin, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, cloves and black pepper

  • Raw honey

  • Sesame Oil

Signs of Pitta imbalance:

  • Diarrhea

  • Overheating, profuse sweating

  • Colourful, violent dreams

  • Excessive hunger

  • Frequent bacterial infections

  • Heartburn

Pitta Balancing Foods:

  • Boiled, steamed, raw vegetables

  • Fresh vegetable juice

  • Sweet seasonal fruits

  • Nut milk

  • Soupy grains: rice, wheat, barley, oats

  • Coconut oil

  • Spices: coriander, cardamom, cloves, turmeric, cumin, curry leaves, mint

  • Tea: fennel, chamomile, peppermint, spearmint, liquorice, red clover

Signs of Kapha imbalance:

  • Sluggish bowels

  • Procrastination

  • Craving warmth, spicy foods

  • Frequent candida

  • Water retention

  • Weight gain

  • Excessive sleep

Balancing Kapha:

  • Steamed or raw vegetables

  • Citrus fruits

  • Quinoa

  • Seeds

  • Spices: pepper, paprika, salt, garlic, basil, cloves, allspice, fennel, mustard, turmeric, cumin, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, black pepper

  • Tea: cinnamon, fenugreek, peppermint, raspberry

Note: For those with a double doshaor for those who are tridoshic, it’s important to listen to your body and mind (meditation) and to make decisions according to your findings. As you get to you know the basics of Ayurveda and you are in tune with yourself, you’ll know what approach to choose.

The Well-Living Feed

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